Central Alberta Trout Unlimited Dinner/Auction

Central Alberta Trout Unlimited Dinner/Auction
May 13th, 2020

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Border Paving Gravel Development Application

Hi Everybody!

Border Paving has applied to "mine" gravel out of a pit that is located very close to the headwaters of Stauffer Creek. A hearing was held on July 2nd at the Butte Hall. Don Andersen along with representatives from the Edmonton Chapter of Trout Unlimited and local land owners were in attendance.

Here is a summary of what transpired at the meeting.

Thanks for attending Don and giving us an update.


Attended the info meeting hosted by Border Paving who are applying through the County of Clearwater for a Development Permit to mine gravel near the headsprings of Stauffer Creek.

First Impressions:

1] They do their homework.
2] They are a family business and father, daughter and son attended.
3] They circulated and talked to folks.
4] They have discussed issues with the ACA.
5] No evidence of the Fish and Game Assoc members.
6] Most of the audience was neighbours.
7] Some concerns about noise and road use.
8] Lots of people concerned about the water.

The Proposal

The land purchased has both a dry and wet gravel area. They are only applying for the dry area. Dry is defined as above the water table. Wet pits required de-watering. The wet pit effluent water is pumped to a pit which leaches  to the nearest water course. Dry pits are not near the issue as wet pits.

The land area next to the Butte Road is wet and they will be leaving it alone. If and when they ever get the hots to develop this area, please get after them.

There is another dry pit located along their south quarter section boundary. I checked out the amount of water in the pit and other than a small wet spot about 10' by 20', the pit was dry. Similarly, there is another dry pit located SE catty corner to the Border lands.

They have done some water table level sampling and maybe be doing more sampling themselves. It may also be a condition of the Development Permit.


I don't see any from a fisheries prespective. They are above the water table. If I was a neighbor, I wouldn't be all that happy. What is apparent, the pit is operated only occasionaly. Not at all in the winter. There will be an asphalt plant there occasionally. Smell and particulate matter is a problem.

Other Persons observations:

1] Leslie Peterson will be providing a letter to the County and will CC us.
2] The ACA people said no way but were not clear what their issues may be.
3] A representative from the Edmonton Trout Club and Edmonton TU were in attendance.

I have two copies of the application that runs 16 pages. If anyone has the hots, I'll mail one. If there are more than one needed, I'll get them copied.



Thursday, June 25, 2015

Heritage Ranch Pond will be renamed Mitchell Pond

Red Deer City Council has approved the naming of the trout pond at Heritage Ranch as Mitchell Pond. We lost Barry Mitchell this year and this is a way to honour Barry's incredible work that he put into conserving our waters both here in Central Alberta and other locations in the province. I hope we can learn from what Barry and others have accomplished over the last 40 plus years. It is now up to the next generation to keep our flowing waters pristine.

Thanks Mayor Veer and City Council!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Barry Mitchell has Passed Away

Barry Mitchell of Red Deer, Alberta passed away. 

Many of you know Barry from his days publishing the Alberta Fishing Guide magazine and many others from his book “Alberta’s Trout Highway”.

Barry’s interest in our Province’s fishery extended well beyond his writings. He was one of the founding Directors of the Central Alberta Trout Organization formed in the early 80’s serving in many capacities including President. He worked tirelessly on stream remediation projects throughout Central Alberta, he conceived and implemented the Alberta Streamwatch program to provide increased enforcement on the East Slopes streams. Barry pushed Govt. to rewrite the East Slopes angling regulations which successfully improved the fishery.

The list of fishery related issues where Barry was involved is near endless. 

The family is hosting an informal, come-and-go funeral reception for him on Friday, March 6 from 2 to 5 pm at Eventide Funeral Chapel in Red Deer (4820 45 St.). There is no official service happening. An obituary will be published in the Red Deer Advocate soon. 

On a personal level, Barry was a very close friend and we shared camps many times throughout Alberta.

In Barry, I not only lost a friend but the fish did as well.

We all will miss him.

Barry's Obituary


Don Andersen